Sunday, November 23, 2008

Prescription Drug Benefit Design and Effect on Compliance & Satisfaction

This survey looks at the issue of out-of-pocket costs and benefit design on two elements of importance to the patient and directly related to the idea that if prescription drugs cost too much, people will make decisions that may effect their health. Another element under consideration----does the drug benefit design have any impact on satisfaction with the drug program.

To see the results of the survey, either cut and paste this link into your web browser or double click on this link.

Autism Attitudes in 2008

This survey attempts to better understand the attitudes of the public, and parents, in particular, on the problem of Autism Spectrum disorders, articles in the lay press that link it to vaccinations, and how people feel, in general, about the cause and effects.

Our respondents have strongly held and valid opinions. The most fascinating thing, I believe, was to read their comments. To read the results, paste in your web browser or click on this link.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Pharmacy Profession & Public Perceptions

This survey was one of four that I did as "independent study" for my PharmD program. This particular assessment was intended to understand the public’s impressions on the actual practice of pharmacy, with a focus on their awareness of various professional services are being offered and the environment in which they are getting care.

I found that many don't necessarily understand or particularly value some of the clinical services that pharmacists routinely perform in environments that range from retail pharmacy practices to other specially skilled clinical teams in hospital, long term care, consulting, and managed care settings.

I hope that we within the profession stop dreaming about changing the face of the profession and start becoming activists in the transformation of health care. Patient enablement and compliance are particularly available to the pharmacist----we need to find creative ways to get paid for adding value beyond the traditional and long-perceived role of dispenser and warehouser of drugs and coordinator of third-party claims adjudication.

If you would like to see the results and writetup, just cut and paste this link into your browser or double click directly on the link.